Sql Tutorial Class

How can delete database in sql server

Steps to delete/dorp database in sql server (Look on below image)

2. Select sql command. (Just you have typed.)
3. Click on Execute Option. (Press F5 key on Keyboard or look on bellow image.)
1. Right Click on Database.
2. Click on Drop.

In SQL Server, the user has created a database as a requirement. After creating the database, sometimes it is necessary to remove the unwanted database. How can you delete the database from SQL server? The answer to this question is: you can delete the database:

1. Sql Query Command
2. By clicking mouse.

Method One to Delete/Drop database in sql server 

1. Sql Query Command: By using Sql Query Command user can delete database from sql server. It is very easy to delete. To delete database use must have the database. If use don't have database then create now:

   This is short method to create database in sql server:
    Create Database ItemDetails
   Create Database Product
   Create Database OldItems
   Create Database Student
   Create Database Employee

   For more details to create database Click here.

How to delete database in sql server?

           Drop DATABASE-NAME

          Drop: Drop is sql database command which is used to delete a database.
          DATABASE-NAME: It is a user define database name. Like ItemDetails, ProductDetails.                                                        Employee, StudentDetails so on.

              Drop Database ItemDetails
              Drop Database Product
              Drop Database Employee
              Drop Database OldItems
              Drop Database Student


How to delete database in sql server? Image

how can delete database in sql server

Method two to Delete/Drop database in sql server 

2. By clicking mouse: User can delete the sql server database by clicking mouse. 

               Follow the steps:
               1. Right Click on Database. (Look on image)
               2. Click on Delete option. (Look on image)  
               ----Dialog box look on image bellow -------
               3. Click on Ok button. (Look on image)

Image of steps of deleting database from sql server database.

     1. Right Click on Database and click on Delete option. (Look on image)
how can drop database in sql server

----Dialog box look on image bellow -------
    2. Click on Ok button. (Look on image)
how can drop database in sql server

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