UNION clause in SQL server.
UNION clause: It use used to combine the tables and display the single result. Sometimes user want to display single result from multiple tables. As this situation the user can combine tow or more tables and display result as a requirement. UNION clause is very useful while combining two or more tables.
While using UNION clause the number of columns are same.
UNION Clause Syntax:
SELECT column_name(s) FROM table1
SELECT column_name(s) FROM table 2
UNION Clause Examples:
Here are first table "Supplier" And other is "Customer"
Create Table Supplier ( Code varchar(10)NOT NULL, Name Varchar(20)NOT NULL, ContactPerson Varchar(20)NOT NULL, City Varchar(15)NOT NULL, Country Varchar(20)NOT NULL ) Insert into Supplier Values('001','Mirror pvt.ltd.','Ammy','NY','USA') Insert into Supplier Values('002','PNA pvt. ltd.','Pina','CA','USA') Insert into Supplier Values('003','Single pvt. ltd.','Sumi','Alabama','USA') Insert into Supplier Values('004','Yours pvt. ltd.','Don','NW','USA') Insert into Supplier Values('005','Strong pvt. ltd.','Mik','NBA','USA') Insert into Supplier Values('006','My center pvt. ltd.','Sweet','DK','USA') Create Table Customer ( CID Varchar(10)NOT NULL, Name Varchar(30)NOT NULL, City Varchar(20)NOT NULL, Phone Varchar(30)NOT NULL, Country Varchar(30)NOT NULL ) Insert into Customer Values('001','Lili','Alabama','(2010) 205-764','USA') Insert into Customer Values('002','Rock','Colorado','(2010) 285-068','USA') Insert into Customer Values('003','Lock','Illinois','(2010) 173-514','USA') Insert into Customer Values('004','Hono','Michigan','(2010) 84-913','USA') Insert into Customer Values('005','Spring','Minnesota','(2010) 154-637','USA')
1. Display city name from "Supplier" and "Customer" table.
Select City from Supplier Union Select City from CustomerResult
City |
Alabama |
CA |
Colorado |
DK |
Illinois |
Michigan |
Minnesota |
NW |
NY |
2. Display city and country name from "Supplier" and "Customer" tables.
Select City,Country from Supplier Union Select City,Country from CustomerResult
City | Country |
Alabama | USA |
CA | USA |
Colorado | USA |
DK | USA |
Illinois | USA |
Michigan | USA |
Minnesota | USA |
NW | USA |
NY | USA |
3. Display city and country name from "Supplier" and "Customer" tables with ORDER BY clause.
Select City,Country from Supplier Union Select City,Country from Customer order by City ascResult
City | Country |
Alabama | USA |
CA | USA |
Colorado | USA |
DK | USA |
Illinois | USA |
Michigan | USA |
Minnesota | USA |
NW | USA |
NY | USA |
4. Display city and country name from "Supplier" and "Customer" tables with WHERE clause.
Select City,Country from Supplier Where City='NY' Union Select City,Country from Customer Where City='Alabama'Result
City | Country |
Alabama | USA |
NY | USA |
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